I jumped out of a plane..
Me and four of my friends decided to jump out of a plane, all to raise money for the charity 'Mind' and of course the fun of it. We raised just over £2000 and were so happy to be able to give this amount of money to such an important charity. Mental health is something I have always struggled with, i've always felt so supported knowing i had 'Mind' to help me through my darkest of days. The day then finally arrived for us to bite the bullet and jump. We had our briefing, got suited up then it was a waiting game for our turn. Two of my friends Sarita and Frankie went first, seeing them fly up in the plane and then jump got me even more excited for my turn. They said it was the most exhilarating experience of their lives. Then it was our turn, we met the person we were being strapped to, mine was so so lovely and put me at ease. Flying up to 14,000ft was terrifying and I was the first to jump. I was sat over the edge and after 1,2,3, we were flying. The free fall was 60 seconds but felt so much longer and was an indescribable feeling, then the parachute was out and the view was incredible. Landing was the part I was most scared for, as they told us we could break our legs if we don't do it properly, but I nailed it. WOW, I could never describe the feeling of flying 14,000ft but WOW. An experience I will never forget and one day hope to do again.
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